Cognitive Overload

The "shift left" concept in software development aims to move tasks to an earlier stage in the process. Such as having developers take over software testing, security, and infrastructure setup. However, this can lead to cognitive overload for developers who are already juggling changing technologies, mindsets, and business requirements. By pushing for DevOps and SRE, we are responsible for the cognitive overload from tech people. 

To help ease this burden, I consider the following strategies in my engagements:

  • Use a questionnaire to evaluate your team's cognitive load and identify areas for improvement (check out: Cognitive load assessment)

Mature companies are using Platform Engineering to simplify developer tasks and provide self-services and templates with best practices. This approach is focused on making the developer's life easier.

Don't let cognitive overload hold your team back. By implementing these strategies, you can improve productivity and avoid burnout. 

Relevant Links:

So how do you balance the cognitive load of your team? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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