Dispatch #13/23

Can you create a comprehensive and accurate list of all software components and their dependencies? 

In 2018 the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) launched its SBOM initiatives. An SBOM is a list of all the open-source and third-party components in a codebase. It also lists the licenses that govern those components, the versions, and their patch status. It allows security teams to identify any associated security or license risks quickly.

SBOMs are becoming increasingly important as the software supply chain becomes more complex. By understanding what components are in use, organizations can better manage their security risks and ensure they use up-to-date components.

Here are some articles and videos that we found interesting this week:

  • Article: Even if you're not legally required to do it, this text provides a compelling argument for why implementing an SBOM is crucial for software management and security: The Rise of Sbom-take-on-gartner-report/

Now, we want to know your thoughts:

  • What tool do you use for your SBOM?

  • What issues are you facing regarding the SBOM?

We would like to hear from you; write us a comment or mail!


Regards, Florian




Published weekly in a row: 13


Dispatch #14/23


Dispatch #12/23