Dispatch #20/2023

Do you prompt or blind prompt? 

This week, we stumbled upon some fascinating reads and a mind-blowing podcast I couldn't resist sharing. Brace yourself for an exhilarating dive into prompt engineering, the "Docs as Code" approach, the essence of Reliability Engineering, and the wonders of generative AI. Let's embark on this tech adventure together!

Here are the articles we read and found interesting this week:

Article: Do you prompt or do you blind prompt? Mitchell Hashimoto, the founder of HashiCorp, explores the balance between prompt engineering and blind prompting: Prompt Engineering vs. Blind Prompting – Mitchell Hashimoto

Article: Read here about the "Docs as Code" approach at Etsy, where documentation is treated as code and stored in version control systems, allowing for easier collaboration, review, and automation: https://www.etsy.com/codeascraft/code-as-craft-blog-post-docs-as-code-at-ets

Podcast: Reliability Engineering must be on the same level as Testing or Security. More about the basics of SRE in an excellent podcast from Ash Patel: Episode 2 - What is SRE and what is not SRE? - SREpath Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

Report: If you have not seen it, ThoughtWorks released its new Tech Radar in version 28. It's an excellent overview to stay up to date: Technology Radar | An opinionated guide to technology frontiers | ThoughtWorks

Article: A comprehensive overview with clear examples of using generative AI to accelerate our work from idea to production for new features: https://dzone.com/articles/generative-ai-for-devops-a-practical-view

Questions we are working on right now: 

  1. Have you ever considered the balance between prompt engineering and blind prompting?

  2. Are you familiar with the "Docs as Code" approach? How can it enhance collaboration, review, and automation in documentation practices?

  3. Do you believe Reliability Engineering should be equally important to Testing and Security?

Please feel free to leave us a comment or send us an email. We welcome your feedback and will definitely write back!

Regards, Florian




Published weekly in a row: 20


Dispatch #21/2023


Dispatch #19/2023